A man's one-star rating for a Pune-based gym has gone viral online and has left social media users in splits. According to a screenshot shared on X, the man left a scathing review on Google after his girlfriend cheated on him with a fellow gym member. The man, who joined Cult Kalyani Nagar with his girlfriend, accused the other gym-goer of "stealing" his girlfriend, even after he had shared his protein shake with him.
"I joined the classes a few months back with my girlfriend. The place is nice, people are good but 1 star because my GF (girlfriend) Shruti cheated on me with a guy named 'Abhishek' at the centre," he wrote.
The man explained that at first, he thought they were just friends, but things eventually got serious. "Initially, I thought he was just being friendly with her but little did I know he was stealing her from me. I even shared my protein shake with Abhishek but he betrayed me. Now, they do work out together and I am alone," he said.
was looking for a good gym in my area and saw this review 😠pic.twitter.com/L7lnNZ38eO
— Soham (@king26_sk) November 28, 2024
X user Soham shared the screenshot of the review on X on Thursday. Since then, the post has garnered more than 1.2 million views and over 24,000 likes. In the comments section, users flocked to share their thoughts.
"Heard gym bros who share protein are friends forever without any tag, but there's something else going on here," commented one user. "Bro broke the holiest bond of sharing protein," jokingly wrote another.
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"After this review Bro's breakup party will be sponsored by Cult now," said a third user. "Can't tell if bro is more sad about protein shake or his girlfriend," quipped a fourth user.
"Letting someone in on your protein is crazy," added another. "This gym didn't 'work-out' for him," commented one user.
While the gym has responded to some of the complaints on Google, it has not yet acknowledged this incident.