Heartbroken over her disqualification from the Paris Olympics, India's ace wrestler Vinesh Phogat announced her retirement from wrestling. The grappler stood on the cusp of a gold medal in the women's 50kg freestyle wrestling event before exceeding her weight by 100 grams during the morning weigh-in on Wednesday. Vinesh even lodged a protest at Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS), challenging her disqualification. Vinesh, in a post on social media, said that wrestling won the final match against her, she lost, breaking all her courage. Having made her professional debut in 2001, the year 2024 was the last that saw her compete as a wrestler.
"Wrestling won match against me, I lost...my courage is all broken, I don't have any more strength now. Goodbye Wrestling 2001-2024. I will forever be in your debt"
— Vinesh Phogat (@Phogat_Vinesh) August 7, 2024
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